Tag: Apologetics

  • What Is The Cosmological Argument For God?

    The cosmological argument for God is so powerful, yet so simple. As Dr. William Lane Craig puts it, “I like it’s simplicity. It doesn’t try to claim to much”(Turek, 2023). One of its most effective versions, the Kalam cosmological argument, was popularized by Dr. Craig. (Craig, 2015) The Kalam cosmological argument goes – Premise 1…

  • Why Is There Evidence For Christianity?

    Why Is There Evidence For Christianity? An apologist is someone who explains the evidence for Christianity. Explaining evidence requires evidence. If Christian faith is one based in reason and evidence, we can ask the question, why is there evidence for Christianity? What makes it different than any other mythology that occurs in the minds and…

  • What Is Apologetics?

    The word Apologetics comes from the root word “apologia”, making a case for something as in a court of law. Apologists are lawyers, out there making the case for Christ. As an apologist, it is your job to give reasons as to why anyone should believe Jesus. In todays information heavy world, many people (especially…